Saturday, February 23, 2008

RSS feeds

Okay I've been terrible at actually posting on this blog so let my catch up posts begin!

RSS feeds are a great tool for monitoring news information and I use them daily already. We are also in the process of setting them up for our co-workers. However, I need to have a better strategy in place on how often we update people's RSS feeds list and on deciding what sort of follow-up should be used when helping others set up feeds. I'll be interested to hear if anyone else sets up RSS feeds for their clients, and if so, if they monitor how the RSS feeds are being used, and if they update the feeds past the initial set up.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Learning through collegues without even trying to.

In my opinion, Web 2.0 is all about learning new things by trial and error and learning from your collegues. I already learned about avatars through someone elses blog i was looking at on the Special Libraries Discussion Forum. I got curious how they created it and ended up creating one of my own. The gnome just sort of got added in the mix and stuck. It's really easy to get caught up in learning new Web 2.0 technology without even realizing it. I didn't notice I was exploring as much as I was until after the gnome was already in the picture. I'm looking forward to exploring the 23 things and having collegues to collaborate with as to how we can bring some of these technologies into our special libraries.